من الفكرة إلى الشركة
In 2020, the first prototype of Skolado was made with paper and pencil. Then what was on paper was converted to digital on a computer. This prototype was purely to show what the platform is supposed to look like, so nothing working yet.
Time passed and more people began to show interest in what we are building and trying to solve. We started with just one person with an idea and now we are a team of a total of 15 people from different countries. We have team members from Sweden, Albania and Argentina.
Skolado is now a limited company but is still at an early stage and our focus is on completing the development of our first prototype which is expected to be ready in May 2022. Once the development is complete we will be able to offer the primary schools that are interested a free testing period.
Keep an eye on our social media and website for more updates!